Wednesday, July 02, 2008

The Dog Days Of Summer

This is a very special post, seeing as how it showcases the FIRST PICTURES I'VE EVER POSTED ON THIS BLOG!! Hopefully these pictures will be the first of many, assuming Joseph can teach me (or more likely teach ROGER how to post the pictures on here). I've got a feeling I'm gonna have to give up and get techno-savvy, though. Nobody's much buying the "helpless little woman" act anymore.

The above picture is one I like to call Dog Days Of Summer, and it's a pretty good example of what actually goes on here during the summer. Roger and I go around looking like the back end of hard times, while the dogs stay passed out on the floor. Occasionally, Roger will go to the kitchen for a snack FORCING the dogs to rouse themselves enough to stagger into the kitchen and beg for whatever it is he happens to be eating. Life is a continual struggle for survival, ya know?

Me? I spend a whole lot of time pointing out chores and things we just HAVE to do, which, come to think of it, could go a long way towards explaining Roger's selective hearing issues.

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