It's not an exaggeration to say that I am probably one of the most impatient people you'll ever meet. I can't help it, I was born that way. The best way to describe my incredible lack of patience is to say that not only was I not in the room when God was handing out the Patience Virtue, I was down the hall in another room, asking what was taking so long.
I thought maybe this flaw of mine would improve over time. After all, when we age, aren't we supposed to gain wisdom and patience? Isn't that written down somewhere? Where do I go to file a complaint - and is there a line? Because that's gonna be a problem.
It could be my imagination, but, lately it seems that people are just TRYING to annoy me. Everywhere I go, people are IN MY WAY. Now, admittedly, I move pretty fast (probably related to that whole impatience thing). So it's natural to think I'm going to encounter some human obstacles along the way, and when that happens, I try to exercise what little patience I do have.
But, I am about ready to draw the line at those motorized scooters. I am beginning to think those geriatric go-carts were put on this earth just to punish me. Possibly Karma's way of trying to force me to slow down.
Don't get me wrong, I think the idea of motorized scooters is wonderful and whoever came up with the concept has done a great service for humankind. I'm just saying there should be some basic operating rules and regulations and, yes, I'm going to say it, some common courtesy involved in their use.
First of all, if you're using a scooter, please don't park it in the middle of the grocery store aisle while you leisurely peruse the shelf. Pull it over to the side, so people with carts can get by.
Second, I don't know if there IS a speed limit with those things, but, try to observe basic traffic laws. Just because you're on wheels does NOT give you the right of way, and if you're going fast enough to create a breeze, SLOW DOWN! Forcing people to fling themselves into the produce bin may seem enjoyable to YOU, but, it can be painful for others.
Also, one scooter riding family member at a time, please. While there is definitely strength in numbers, descending in a motorized pack upon an unsuspecting public is just unfair. I myself, have seen a family of three running amok at the local Wal-Mart. It wasn't a pretty sight, believe me.
Of course, I know just by writing about this I stand a good chance of ticking off the Karma Fairy. You'd think I'd know better, especially after what happened the other day.
Roger and I were running into the store for a couple of things, and we parked next to an elderly man who had been using one of the store's scooters. He looked at us and told us we could return the cart for him (apparently you can order people around like that when you're elderly - I can't wait for that part).
The only way you can get those carts back into the store is to drive them in and since Roger beat me to the seat, I had to walk along beside him. Everything was going great until we got to the ramp leading into the store. The cart was running low on power and couldn't make it up the ramp, so I had to get behind Roger and help out by pushing the cart while he steered.
Nothing wakes you up quite as well as a tiny glimpse into the future. I had a perfect vision of what Life may just have in store for me one day. Maybe those scooters aren't so bad after all. In fact, let's just forget I even mentioned them.
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